Monday 19 August 2013

Second Image

Me at work back home in Winchester

Working in a Kitchen is something I love;
It's cool working with food and a few mates, but it's hard work and by no means glamorous.
Being able hold down a job is important to me, and keeps me focused. 

The Photograph for me, is proof that I can work, and is a way of feeling part of society in a different way.
For me, this photo has alot to do with independence, and putting my money where my mouth is.

I work another job aswell back at home 
(Working the bar and waiting tables for "Fancy Do's" in the evening at the City Guildhall)
A small part of me likes being able to switch off from "ego" mode and just be someone behind the bar.

But there's alot of potential for humor in work, and alot of satire too.
There's still a dry wit in this dull moment that's been photographed.

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