Tuesday 20 August 2013

St. Catherine's Hill Winchester

St. Catherine's Hill, Winchester, my home-town

I took this photograph a while ago because it's exactly what I remember when I'm away.
Winchester is a medieval city, and this place is about a 40 minute walk from my house.
It hasn't changed at all, so going back there with mates is always pretty surreal.

This place is right next to a giant hill, and you can see the whole of Winchester lit up from it at night,
It's quite a weird place at the top, the woods are ancient, and no one really goes there, so it's pretty cool.

It's the first place I'll visit with friends when I get back home, and one of the last places before I head off. Everyone has places that mean something to them, and this is the most important to me.

Photo Opportunity Number...

The photo was taken at Blissfields, a music festival in Hampshire this summer

It's me with a band I've been mates with since I was 13, back during their smallest shows
I used to turn up early and spread the word about shows, help carrying stuff and made merchandise

The Festival they were playing this summer was way too expensive to get into, 
So they turned up outside my house on the day with no planning and bought me along

Without trying to sound too sentimental, the photo reminds me of some awesome times,
and puts me in good spirits when I look forward and commit to following something with all I've got,
And total loyalty, even if it's nothing to do with the band and something else in life.

The photo is something that would have been awesome to see six years ago when I first saw them
 I've stuck with this band through thick and thin, a line of previous members
And here we are at one of their best shows in the sun

Well deserved I think?

Photograph of first batch of t-shirts printed earlier this year

This was the first batch of t-shirts I'd ever had printed, and it's special to me for a load of reasons.

For ages I'd wanted to see my work on shirts, I'd created a kind of business designing artwork for bands, musicians, and for friends of friends who wanted custom pieces here and there as a casual thing, so having waited for a chance to have it finally done, opening up a box full of your own shirts feels awesome.

I had a few mates who were wearing them, then it spread a fair bit, taking orders, but mainly it was a huge payoff for months of working late and dealing with getting them printed and sorted

Monday 19 August 2013

Second Image

Me at work back home in Winchester

Working in a Kitchen is something I love;
It's cool working with food and a few mates, but it's hard work and by no means glamorous.
Being able hold down a job is important to me, and keeps me focused. 

The Photograph for me, is proof that I can work, and is a way of feeling part of society in a different way.
For me, this photo has alot to do with independence, and putting my money where my mouth is.

I work another job aswell back at home 
(Working the bar and waiting tables for "Fancy Do's" in the evening at the City Guildhall)
A small part of me likes being able to switch off from "ego" mode and just be someone behind the bar.

But there's alot of potential for humor in work, and alot of satire too.
There's still a dry wit in this dull moment that's been photographed.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

First image

This is a photograph taken by a flatmate one evening upon my awakening.
 He conspired with another who had an eye for composition, and my food.

It's important to me because it shows that art and humor thrive even when we are most ignorant of them

It serves as a reminder not to take myself too seriously,
Because I will never understand this photo despite it being a portrait.

Apparently this was the best that a Graphic Designer and Photographer could come up with
Bless 'em