Monday 20 January 2014

My own work this term and how it's looking so far!

So here are how things have been shaping out recently!

Continuing with line illustration, and reading into the work of David Shrigley,
whilst trying to retain my own sense of humor and sensibilities.

Having a return to form on this style of illustraton work, my own psychedelic side project.
I'm trying to find new value in white space to contrast with pastel shades and colours that 
are less bold and unexplored by myself. Struggling with colour theory is something I'm working
to overcome, and is still a challenge taking my colour-blindness into account.

I enjoy seeing the world through different shades to most people, and haven't really noticed
colorblindness playing up much before, until this point where subtle shades and "reference" colours
have come into play.

My commissioned celebrity portraits continue to be churned out on a regular basis,
I'm looking to expand my subjects beyond musicians though, at the bequest of
recommendations from my facebook page following and friends/acquaintances.

These kind of paintings, although time consuming, translate well onto social media
and generate alot of interest for my work as a freelance service. 

A smarted logo I was commisioned to produce for Oxford Producer "Upper Focus"
I produced several variations on this design which I attached and sent as a package,
interfacing with clients and potential customers is something I pride myself on doing well,
And I still enjoy the business aspect/commercial viability of my work.

It's also great to see it on album covers, nothing quite compares!

Speaking of which, here's another one I've done earlier... 

This album artwork was created for a new acoustic/electronic artist called "Goodnight. Good Morning"
Whilst the colour scheme needs to be switched up a notch to grab attention and become more
distinctive, I'm pretty pleased with the general composition and feel of the piece as a draft. 

And finally, for this little extract of my work!

A painting completed for a friend's birthday! The practical implications of being an illustrator,
Such as having requests made for paintings, designs and illustration work by those around me,
such as friends and clients is a massive boost of confidence, and continues to motivate me
to strive for excellence and to create work that has personality and soul.